Why do we need to keep the local construction trades and union contractors on the job in our hometowns?

The value of having a strong union workforce in our community goes beyond just hourly wages. The 30,000 men and women who make up the local trades in Will, Grundy, Iroquois and Kankakee counties play a vital role in our local economy.

The economic health of our doctors and hospitals depends on their excellent family health insurance coverage. Their hard-earned tax dollars support our school districts and educate our children. Their generous donations to non-profit organizations improve the quality of life for our neighbors who need a little help.

They also purchase automobiles from our dealerships, groceries from the supermarket, meals at restaurants, clothing from retail stores and more.

The more projects that developers and municipalities award to them, the more their wages and benefits extend beyond the construction site. Paying taxes. Supporting our schools. Building a strong local economy.

What can you do?

Let all of your elected officials know that you prefer to have local building trades and union contractors working on our area projects. Non-union won't do, and out-of-town contractors quickly siphon millions of dollars from the local economy. Take every opportunity you have to remind them to employ local union labor and keep our economic engine running at full speed.

• Main Page
• Why Union
• TRCA Trustees
• TRCA Members

• Thomas A. White
• Thomas Dardis
Three Rivers Construction Alliance | 233 Springfield Ave. | Joliet, IL 60435 | Phone: (877) 740-TRCA (8722) | Fax: (815) 230-1376